There are so many ways to gain experience. You can consider part-time jobs, internships, volunteering, student organizations, and more! You can also gain experience by building your network and connecting with people working in your field! Check out our informational interview guide or get in contact with your career coach to get some tips on researching careers and gaining experience.
Yes! We are the Student Employment office at IU. Get connected to your career coach and schedule an appointment today to explore your options and/or work on your resume.
This is our specialty! Start by checking out our career communities to see what interests you, then schedule an appointment with your career coach to receive guidance toward your great fit. You don’t have to figure this out alone!
Career services at IU includes free, personalized coaching and employer connections to help students transition between college and the workforce after graduation. Coaches work with students every step of the way: to identify best fit majors and career paths, build experience, network, and help you land your first professional job!
Career Exploration & Student Employment is one of many different undergraduate career services offices on campus and works primarily with pre-major, AMES, and exploratory students, as well as any student wanting help finding part-time student employment. Once you certify into a school, you will work with your new career services office on building industry-specific employer relationships to prepare you for life after graduation.
Each student in Advising & Major Exploration Services has a dedicated career coach partnered with your AMES academic Advisor. DiscoverU, Career Exploration & Student Employment's newsletter, will come from your assigned career coach. However, you can schedule an appointment with any one of our excellent coaches! Set up your Handshake account to see your career coach's calendar and set up an appointment.
First of all, congrats and welcome! You will receive an email towards the beginning of the semester about meeting with your assigned career coach. It will include all the information you need to know!
If you want to get a head start, check out the career community page to look into major/career options and listen to Major Choices, our podcast that talks about designing a life you want!